July 11, 2014
Low-Cost Coating Options for Projection Surfaces
The need to design in flexibility is a priority among many of our projects. Arium is constantly looking for ways to increase the functionality of spaces for our clients. Conference rooms, which are often slated as multipurpose spaces, often require technical problem solving to allow for the full range of uses our clients desire in the spaces.
One recent client wanted to be able to project a range of image sizes anywhere on a particular wall—but they had a particularly small budget. Arium specified a low-cost projection paint solution that has been proven to perform exceptionally well.
Problem: Provide a low-cost projection surface across the full length of a wall that allows for a range of display sizes and provides the maximum amount of image detail.
- There are a variety of specialty products on the market that are specially designed for theater applications. These products provide a perfect color balance, and work exceptionally well, but can be fairly expensive.
- We came across a website article by Evan Powell on ProjectorCentral.com titled Painting the Perfect Screen for $100. Through a series of experiments the author has developed a recommendation for the best performing paint manufacture, color, and sheen. As the article suggests, we specified Sherwin Williams, Pro Classic Smooth Enamel Finish for Trim & Doors, in an Extra White #B20W51 color with a Satin Finish.
- Because the smoothness of the surface the paint is applied to is an important contributing factor to image quality, we specified a level 5 wall finish and applied the paint to the full extent of the wall.
We’ve received overwhelmingly positive feedback from the client and the project manager. The projection surface was executed by the contractor without issue and is currently providing exceptional image detail while at the same time allowing for a range of image sizes.
Look for more blog posts in the future featuring building products that increase the flexibility of and functionality of conference rooms.
Brian Frels AIA, NCARB
Arium AE